Gut friendly salad
Looking for a gut-friendly salad that's both nutritious and delicious? Try this quinoa and chickpea sprouts salad, packed with fresh vegetables, zesty lemon dressing, and flavourful toppings like crispy shallots...
Looking for a gut-friendly salad that's both nutritious and delicious? Try this quinoa and chickpea sprouts salad, packed with fresh vegetables, zesty lemon dressing, and flavourful toppings like crispy shallots...
Discover a delicious way to support menopause wellness with our Chickpea Pilaf featuring nutrient-rich sprouts. This quick and easy recipe combines sprouted chickpeas with aromatic spices like garam masala and...
Experience the flavours of Japan with this quick and delicious ramen recipe featuring freshly grown bean sprouts. Savour a comforting bowl of Tonkotsu ramen, complete with tender chicken chashu, marinated...
Discover a vibrant and hearty sweet potato and chickpea sprout soup recipe, packed with wholesome vegetables and warming spices. Perfect for a nourishing meal, this soup is simple to prepare...
Experience comfort with our Snow Pea Wonton/Noodle Soup! Homegrown snow pea sprouts, mushrooms, and tofu wrapped in wonton skins, simmered in soy-sesame broth. Garnish with fried garlic, shallots, and herbs....
The original version of sprouted bread was from the Jewish Sprouted grain bread called Essene Bread which derived back in Old Testament Biblical times when the Jewish tribes were exiled...
Raw crackers are a fantastic nutritional snack. Especially for kids that just want to nibble!
A delicious dip made with sprouted chickpeas - will go so well with the sprouted loaf!
Sambar is a lentil based vegetable stew - and this particular recipe by Wanitha will surely warm your soul this winter.
Dosa is a traditional crepe made with rice and urud dhall. Most cultures have a pancake type dish which is celebrated by being consumed at all meal times.
Discover the delicious world of meatless homemade burgers using homegrown sprouts. Our chickpea and mung bean burger patties are packed with flavor and nutrients. For a gluten-free option, simply swap...
PREPARATION: 10 MIN | READY IN: 10 MIN Ingredients (serves 3-4) 100g rocket salad (washed and dried) 1 pear thinly sliced lengthways 1 handful of home grown chickpea sprouts 1 handful home grown...
Level up your smashed avo toast with broccoli sprouts and super charge your breakfast! The added miso will bring a slightly sweet and salty umami flavouring in this fusion offering. ...
If you want to really supercharge your health, a plant-based diet will give you the added bonus of bioactive nutrients, which are the “extra-nutritional” bursts of goodness found in antioxidants...
Chickpeas are a winning source of protein, dietary fibre and micronutrients like iron and magnesium. Our Sydney Sprouts team of nutritional specialists have developed recipes this year to help you pack...
A delicious and healthy way to incorporate vitamins, minerals and flavour into your day. Use your homegrown Sydney Sprouts and fresh ingredients for a meal the whole family will enjoy. Serves 4 Ingredients ...