It may have ‘killed the cat’. But if you ask us a curious spirit is the key to living!
In childhood, curiosity is something we all have in abundance, as we explore and learn about the mysterious world around us. Everything we see, hear, smell, touch and taste is new and interesting and filled with possibilities.
Here’s just one example.
Like a lot of Australians, one of our fondest school memories was the classic science experiment of planting seeds in a bed of damp cotton wool. Then taking them home, placing them on the windowsill and tending to them – and comparing notes with your school friends every morning to see whose had sprouted first! It was such a simple little life experience, yet somehow also such an important one.
Investigating rock pools at the beach was another favourite of ours. You just never knew what you might find – good or bad – or when the next wave was going to soak you through. Yes, those were the days!
Gradually though, as we grow older, many of us seem to lose this natural inquisitiveness. Do we become too busy? Too serious? Or are we simply too comfortable with the status quo and sticking with what we know rather than the exciting – and maybe even life changing – potential of exploring what we don’t?
Experiment often, we say. Try new experiences. Eat new foods (and try growing them yourself too!). Learn new skills. Meet new people. Zig instead of zagging. Leave your comfort zone behind a little… and see where it all takes you.
Life’s far too short. There’s so much wonder out there just waiting for us to discover. But first we have to look.
Stay curious, Australia.